Barrier-free ETH – things are moving forward
The first meeting of the “Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich” steering committee took place in mid-January, and the leaders of the 14 sub-projects in the categories “Construction”, “Technology” and “Organisation” have begun to put together their teams and plan the next steps.
The aim of “Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich” is clear: over the coming years, ETH Zurich plans to become an institution that is increasingly open to all, where it is possible to study and work without obstacles or barriers. The project will take time and require commitment, particularly on the part of the organisational units involved. Establishing a culture of inclusivity will also require the support of all ETH members. Physical and technological obstacles must be addressed, but so must any psychological barriers that may exist as a result of unfamiliarity or ignorance of how to deal with disability, limitations or special needs.
Launch of steering committee and sub-projects
The implementation programme began at the start of the new year. The steering committee convened for the first time in mid-January. In addition to the Vice President for Infrastructure, Professor Ulrich Weidmann, members include the Rector, Professor Sarah M. Springman, and the Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership, Julia Dannath-Schuh.
The leaders of the 14 sub-projects demonstrated their planning skills and professional expertise in setting out their various goals. Initial work will centre primarily around the following administrative departments: Facility Management, Library, Corporate Communications, IT Services, Real Estate, Educational Development and Technology, Services, and Safety, Security, Health and Environment. Plans for 2021 include equipping all teaching areas with accessible desks and adapting the ETH apps to ensure they are barrier-free. The subjects of “barrier-free access” and “inclusivity” are also to be integrated into all training courses for teaching staff.
Barrier-free signage: visual and tactile
The new, barrier-free signage concept can already be viewed on campus. The Infrastructure Division in Oerlikon, the Semper Observatory and the Paul Scherrer Auditorium now have barrier-free signage. The new signage uses high colour contrast, complies with minimum font size requirements and includes tactile room names. There are currently plans to introduce barrier-free signage in the GLC and HIF buildings and the CHN site. Eventually, all ETH buildings will be fitted with the new signage.

Signed public tours
We plan to continue our signed public tours in 2021, provided that public events and tours are permitted under the current circumstances. The tours, which are conducted in German, include the “Himmlische Karten” tour, featuring planetary globes and maps of the stars, and the “Exotische Reisen” tour, featuring old prints and rare books.
For more information and registration, see the “Public tours” section of our website.
You can read more about what we are doing to make ourselves “barrier-free” in our life magazine.