Information on the opening hours and services of the ETH Library from 1 March 2021
The ETH Library in the main builing remains open. In addition, the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library opens as well. All other locations are closed. Our digital offers and services are available to you as usual.

Locations and opening hours
From Monday, 1 March 2021, the InfoCenter and the Circulation Desk in the ETH main builing will be open, as well as the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library (H?nggerberg):
ETH Library in the main building and Architecture and Civil Engineering Library Mon–Fri 09.00–18.00, Sat and Sun closed
All other locations are closed.
Further information
- In the main building and Architecture and Civil Engineering Library, it is possible to borrow and return documents from all locations. Short searches and consultations can also take place in compliance with distance and hygiene regulations.
- We offer a free postal service for ETH staff.
- Reading lounges with national and international (specialist) journals and daily newspapers are available.
- Photocopiers and scanners can be used in compliance with the distancing rules.
Collections, archives and exhibitions
- The Reading Room Collections and Archives and the exhibition of the Max Frisch Archive are regularly open Mon–Fri from 10.00–17.00. For the Reading Room pre-registration is kindly requested.
- The Thomas Mann Archives are accessible by appointment. The exhibition of the Graphische Sammlung can be visited during regular opening hours from Mon–Fri 10.00–16.45.
Events only take place virtually. Please read the notes and details about upcoming events in the events calendar.
Face masks mandatory
Face masks must be worn in all ETH buildings. The social distancing and hygiene measures of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) remain in place. Please bear this in mind when visiting the ETH Library.
You can also continue to make use of our digital resources and contact options. Please do not visit the library if you belong to an at-risk group or are feeling unwell.
Any questions? The ETH Library will be happy to help.
You can also get in touch with us via external page WhatsApp or our chat function.
#ETHLibraryDigital – The ETH Library is there for you digitally with various resources and services, not only during the COVID-19 protective measures.
#KnowMore – The prepared content issued by the ETH Library is at your free disposal and gives you a head start.