rETHink: Townhall at the end of the analysis phase
More than 600 ETH employees participated in the analysis phase of rETHink, the project focusing on the development of ETH’s organisational structure. Now those responsible for the workstreams together with the Executive Board have presented the results of this analysis. Those who missed the virtual Townhall can watch the recording.

"We want to create more time and resources for our core tasks with rETHink," Jo?l Mesot opened the virtual Townhall. Over the last few months, more than 600 ETH employees from all areas have worked out in six so-called workstreams where ETH needs to pull the levers to achieve this overarching goal.
At the Townhall, those responsible for the workstreams presented the results of their detailed analysis and the fields of activity they derived from it. The large number of speakers - 13 in all - impressively demonstrated that rETHink has grown from a project of the Executive Board to an ETH project. Jo?l Mesot said: "I am impressed by how many colleagues have contributed to rETHink in the meantime and with what great commitment they are working for the future of our university. That's where our collective intelligence really comes into effect."
The results presented were as dense as the programme, which are summarised in a condensed form in the slides of the Townhall (Download download the English translation of the original slides (PDF, 4.1 MB)). In addition, the recording of the event is available below.
In the coming months, further information will be provided on the progress of the project - after all, it is now time to implement measures. Or as Jo?l Mesot put it in his closing remarks: "Now the real work begins."