Townhall on compulsory COVID certificates
Around 1000 interested people followed the Townhall on the introduction of compulsory COVID certificates. The main focus was on the questions posed by ETH members. The answers can be found in the recording.
How are the certificates checked? What do I have to show if I want to train in the ASVZ? Why is there also a mask obligation in lectures? What is your position on the accusation that the certificate requirement discriminates against a group of students?
This is only a small selection of a good two hundred questions that ETH members asked the responsible persons at yesterday's Townhall on the introduction of the new Corona Master's Plan and the compulsory COVID certificate. Rector Sarah Springman and Vice-President Ulrich Weidmann, head of the ETH-internal Covid task force, together with ETH specialists from various areas answered around a quarter of them live. Namely these were: Hermann Lehner, Head of Academic Services, ETH occupational physician Leonhard Sigel, deputy head of SGU Reto Suter and the catering manager Marcel Zurbuchen.
For those who missed the Townhall, a recording is available and the Download presentation (PDF, 1010 KB) can be downloaded.