Data management plan instructions: Specific support for ETH Zurich researchers
The ETH Library provides concise instructions for preparing a data management plan which take into account the specific conditions that exist at ETH Zurich.

What is a data management plan good for?
A data management plan (DMP) details every stage along the entire data life cycle that research data pass through during your research project. This means a DMP documents the handling of your research data from generation and collection of the data until final storage in a repository or archive for the purpose of long-term reuse. A DMP not only advances the management of your research project, but also enhances the transparency and reusability of your own scientific work. These are convincing arguments for establishing a DMP, even if it is not explicitly required for your project.

Supporting material for the preparation of a general DMP
The ETH Library provides a general DMP template and corresponding instructions that contain key questions with suggestions, links to supporting resources, as well as example answers for every section within the DMP. You can find all the information on the wiki page Data Management Plan Instructions for ETH Zurich Researchers. The key questions are based on the questions in the template provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The additional supporting information specifically addresses the conditions at ETH Zurich.
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Data Management and Digital Curation team via email: .