Barrier-free ETH – New courses, new public tours and a pilot
At the beginning of 2021, the “Barrier-free at ETH Zurich” programme was launched. This aims to make the university as accessible as possible over the course of the next few years. New courses, new public tours and a large pilot project are planned for 2022.

From now on, it will be much easier for members of the ETH community to create accessible digital content. People often unwittingly build barriers into websites, PDF files, presentations, images or videos: for example, if photos have no alt text (i.e. a short description of the image), videos no subtitles and PDF files no navigation aids, their content isn’t accessible to people with visual or hearing impairments. To ensure everyone is reached in future, both Corporate Communications (through subproject 11 “Accessible communication”) and the Educational Development and Technology department (through subproject 13 “Accessible teaching materials”) have recently started offering regular courses on topics such as “Digital accessibility” and “Accessible pdfs made easy”. The current course overview is available at Internal IT courses.
New public tours
The range of accessible, public guided tours at ETH Zurich will also be significantly expanded in 2022: the
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