This or that? Video interview with ETH Rector Günther Dissertori
Since the first of February, Günther Dissertori is the new Rector of ETH Zurich. In an interview we asked him a few “this or that” questions: lecture or seminar? Cooking or washing up? Valais or Grisons? Dumplings or gnocchi?

Günther Dissertori was nominated as the new Rector by the ETH professors in March 2021 and officially elected by the ETH Board in May at the request of ETH President Jo?l Mesot. Dissertori grew up in South Tirol and studied physics at the University of Innsbruck. His research career started when he moved to CERN in Geneva to work on his doctoral thesis. In 2001 he joined ETH Zurich as assistant professor and has been full professor for Particle Physics since 2007. He has received several awards for his commitment to teaching.