Technical innovations in the “Barrier-free” programme
Since the autumn semester 2023, automatic subtitling of lecture recordings and further information on the topic of accessible videos have been offered for the first time. The accessible navigation app "PolyMaps" won the GIS Excellence Award 2023.
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After intensive scientific and technical preparatory work by the Multimedia Production Group (MMP), the time had come in the autumn semester of 2023: for the first time, the many recordings of courses can be automatically subtitled on ETH Zurich's video portal. This is another measure in the "Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich" programme, for which the following applies: Necessary for some - helpful for all. People who cannot hear or can only hear poorly are dependent on subtitles to be able to follow a lecture. However, anyone who is in a noisy environment or does not want to listen to audio can now also follow the lecture content via subtitles.
As the subtitling is created automatically, the quality varies depending on various features of the video. For example, accents and dialects or even rare technical terms are more susceptible to incorrect subtitles. If you want to correct the subtitles, you can either commission MMP or do it yourself. Further information is available on the "Accessible video" website.
Focus topic "Accessible videos"
At the same time, Corporate Communications (HK) published a helpful information website on the topic. Apart from lecture recordings, other videos must also be accessible as a matter of principle, according to legal regulations. How should subtitles be created manually? How many characters per line, in what colour and in what order? And what is the difference between subtitles and audio descriptions and transcripts? Answers on the subject of accessible videos can be found online or directly from the experts at HK, Manu Heim and Matija Pavic, in the accessibility consultation.
Beta test of the "PolyMaps" app
PolyMaps is the name of the new app that guides people from A to B. Very similar to Google Maps, PolyMaps navigates within or between ETH buildings, with your own position in the building always indicated by a so-called "blue dot". The highlight: if you are travelling with heavy luggage, in a wheelchair or with a pushchair, you can have a barrier-free route displayed that does not lead over stairs and steps, but only over lifts and ramps.
The beta test has been running for several weeks in many buildings and all interested ETH members can take part. Please send an e-mail to (IPS = Indoor Positioning System). The test includes all relevant buildings of the H?nggerberg 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 and 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Centre as well as the OCT building in Oerlikon. The only exceptions for the time being are the ML and HG buildings, which require more time for the installation of the sensor system due to additional requirements imposed by the heritage conservation authorities. This year, the new HIF, GLC and BSS buildings will also be equipped with sensors and integrated into PolyMaps.
The leading company in the field of geoinformation systems (GIS) recognised the new ETH Zurich app as outstanding. external page Esri Switzerland presented PolyMaps with the GIS Excellence Award 2023 to recognise "the innovative approach, clear vision and effective use of GIS technologies".

Barrier-??Free at ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich is committed to accessibility: over the course of the next few years, people with disabilities and those with special needs – whether students, lecturers, researchers, staff or visitors – are to benefit from greatly improved access to ETH buildings and services.
The proposed measures will be implemented in 14 sub-???projects under three categories: “Construction, Building Usage and Architecture”, “Organisation and Culture” and “Technology, Communication and Teaching”.
For more information on the programme and the 14 sub-??projects, visit the programme website and the new exhibition on the topic of “barrier-??free” in the OCT building.
Note on the translation
This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. Although reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, it may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.
Should you come upon significant translation mistakes, please send a short message to so that we can correct them. Thank you very much.
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