Wanted: Your (unusual) leisure activity
Do you regularly meet up with other ETH members to yodel? Do you play exotic sports such as unicycle hockey or canoe polo with colleagues? Or do you compete with each other as gourmet chefs?
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For the spring issue of life magazine, we are looking for these and less unusual activities that ETH members do together. We would like to portray groups and networks that meet regularly for certain activities outside of work.
Write to us in a few sentences about your leisure and after-work groups and inspire others in the ETH community. You are also welcome to write to us if you are still looking for like-minded people for your activities.
Your leisure group in life
Send a description of your joint leisure activity or the activity for which you are still looking for other ETH members by e-mail to Michael Walther () by 8 February at the latest, including photos if you wish. The editorial team will select some of the suggestions submitted and present them in the April issue of life magazine.
Note on the translation
This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. Although reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, it may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.
Should you come upon significant translation mistakes, please send a short message to so that we can correct them. Thank you very much.
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