"Germaine de Staël": funding for cooperation with France
The call 2025–2026 of the "Germaine de Sta?l" programme for bilateral research cooperation between Switzerland and France has been launched. The application deadline has been extended until 30 May 2024.
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The "Germaine de Sta?l" programme promotes collaboration between French and Swiss researchers and research teams. It is open to all research disciplines.
The programme provides funding towards travel and accommodation costs for short (max. 1 month) research stays with the partner team. Funding of around CHF 4,500 per project per year is provided to Swiss participants.
Closing date for applications for the funding period 2025–2026 is 30 May 2024.
The "Germaine de Sta?l" programme is managed by the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW on behalf of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI.
Further information can be found on the external page SATW website.