Follow-up solutions for print services on track
The first phase of public tenders for the takeover of the standard range and examination printing was successful. The project team was able to define a shortlist of printing companies that can now submit a concrete offer by July. The plot on demand (PLOD) service will be handed over to an external operator in December.
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By the beginning of May, twelve applications had been received from printing companies to take over the standard range (posters, flyers, business cards, etc.). At the same time, nine applications had been received to take over the examination printing. In consultation with several ETH units, the applications were examined with regard to the defined suitability criteria. The printing companies that fulfil the suitability criteria now have until the beginning of July to submit their binding offers and then present them.
Invitation procedure for diploma printing
The project team has invited several potential diploma printing providers to submit a bid. The deadline for applications is 21 June 2024, with the aim of concluding a five-year contract with one of the providers to ensure continuity and planning security. The criteria for the invitation process were developed in close collaboration with the Academic Services Department (AkD), which will also be involved in the final selection of the provider as the main customer.
Solution for plot on demand (PLOD)
Sign & Print GmbH will take over the operation of the PLOD stations in the HIL, HG and ONA buildings from December 2024. This means that the three most important PLOD locations, where 85% of the PLOD orders carried out in 2023 were processed, will also be secured in the future. The company already knows the service very well, having helped to develop and set it up on behalf of the Print and Publish Section.
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