James Kirchner receives King Carl XVI Gustaf Professorship in Environmental Sciences
Honours and prizes
The Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf has appointed former WSL Director James Kirchner as the 30th holder of the King Carl XVI Gustaf Professorship in Environmental Sciences for the year 2025/26.
Pay adjustment for doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and scientific assistants
- Institutional
- Internal news
As of January 2025, salary rates for doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and scientific assistants of grades I and II will be raised. For the first time, the raise will not be by a uniform percentage, but a tiered absolute amount in Swiss francs.
Festive end of year celebration 2024
- Community
- Internal news
Over 1700 ETH members registered for this year's Christmas Reception of the Executive Board. They toasted the past year, talked a lot, laughed and of course enjoyed a delicious meal.
Do we need to use the cc function in our emails?
- life
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- Internal news
Should colleagues be put in cc or not? In the current issue of ‘life’, Andrea Germann and Marius von Holleben-Peiser discuss the pros and cons of the cc function in e-mails. What is your opinion? Join the discussion.
Where should our university be headed?
- Institutional
- Internal news
ETH Zurich has defined six new institutional priorities that should help the university fulfil its mission over the coming years. ETH President Jo?l Mesot and Strategic Foresight Hub leader Chris Luebkeman explain how these priorities came about and what impact they are expected to have on everyday operations.
No agreement yet with Wiley: ETH Library offers transitional solutions for non-contractual situation
The national negotiations of swissuniversities with the scientific publisher Wiley (including ‘Advanced Materials’ and ‘Angewandte Chemie’) have not yet led to an agreement. Together with the other affected universities, the ETH Library is preparing for a situation in which there is no contract from January 2025.
ETH Store to be part of ETH Zurich from 2025
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- Internal news
At its meeting on 15 August 2024, the Executive Board decided to return the activities of the current ETH Store AG to ETH Zurich from 2025. In organisational terms, the ETH Store will be part of the Infrastructure and Sustainability domain and is going to be run by the 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Services department.
News from the Executive Board 2024/9
- Institutional
- Internal news
- The Executive Board reports
ETH Zurich is strengthening its commitment in the field of public health. It is also launching a part-time Master of Advanced Studies in Cyber Security. These are two of the resolutions passed by the Executive Board of ETH Zurich at its last two meetings.
Deconstructing the Swiss Humboldt
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- Internal news
The Naming Natures exhibition, curated by researchers from ETH Zurich, will run at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle Neuch?tel from 15 December 2024 to 18 August 2025. It takes a critical look at natural history collections dating back to colonial times and combines scientific, historical and artistic approaches.
Sustainability rankings for universities: what can we learn from them?
- Institutional
- Internal news
ETH Zurich's sustainability efforts were evaluated twice last month: the “WWF University Rating 2024” and the “QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2025” show a mixed picture. An analysis.