Citing correctly: New guidelines for ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich's updated citation guidelines offer compact rules and helpful tips on how to cite correctly, as well as an overview of the topic of plagiarism and how to deal with generative AI and plagiarism.
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ETH Zurich has updated the citation guidelines which replaces the previous citation etiquette from 2007. The guidelines, which were developed by the ETH Library in coordination with the Academic Services (Education Legislation) and the Scientific Integrity Office, covers the most important rules for citation, explains terms such as source, reference or citation style, and provides an overview of the different types of plagiarism and their consequences. Information on the use and declaration of generative artificial intelligence technologies complement the guidelines.
The document can be accessed via this link and on all relevant ETH Zurich websites, such as the website on scientific integrity.
Resources to prevent plagiarism
Detailed information on this topic can be found on the ETH Library's website on prevention of plagiarism. In addition to tips on how to avoid plagiarism, you will also find a checklist to help you check your scientific text for correct citation before submission.