rETHink Blog: Your opinion on the ETH values
As part of the ETH organisational development project rETHink, all ETH members should have the opportunity to express their views on ETH values.

Discuss with us
Responsibility, openness, diversity, team spirit, excellence: are these the values we want to live up to in the future? Or are we already living them? Do these values appear when you describe ETH? Or do you associate other values with our university? Share your thoughts with the ETH community.
In your contribution you can refer to just one or several values. However, please do not simply describe in your text individual incidents in which one or more of these values have been disregarded in the past. The rETHink blog should allow a future-oriented discussion about the values.
Please consider the following general conditions in your contribution:
German or English
Your contribution will be translated (by machine) into the other language in order to allow a discussion about language boundaries.
Please refer to the Download input form (DOCX, 53 KB) for all information on text length, image formats etc.
Guidelines for blog posts
- The internal communications team of ETH Zurich's Corporate Communications department reserves the right to edit submitted contributions where necessary.
- If major linguistic adjustments to the text are necessary, the author will be informed before the article is published.
- Please observe ETH-Netiquette when writing your article as well as when commenting on other articles.
- Anonymous contributions cannot be published, and there is generally no guarantee that submitted contributions will be published.
Submit your blog post
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Overview of rETHink blogposts
Research – Excellence + Culture = Open-minded
What do junior scientists at ETH think about the proposed cultural values? AVETH has developed an exercise that depicts each value as a fictive team member. This blogpost explains the results from the 66 participating groups and the meaning of the formula in the headline.
The importance of learning about each other
At the beginning of February, I participated in a virtual retreat together with my colleagues from the Executive Board. For me, this retreat reinforced how important it is – particularly in these COVID times – to put extra effort into learning about each other and creating opportunities to communicate.
Making professorships fit for the future
Professorships are one of the focal points of the rETHink project. But what does the professorship of the future look like? Workstream 2 of rETHink is responsible for finding out, and they completed a comprehensive analysis of this question last year. Project focus groups drew attention to autonomy – both on an academic and an organisational level – as a vitally important aspect of professorships at the university.