Global Advisory Board
The Global Advisory Board advises the President of ETH Zurich in matters regarding its international strategy. The board provides strategic foresight and ideation, in addition to critically appraising the university also from an outside perspective. Its support is crucial to continuing ETH Zurich’s position as one of the leading technological and research universities worldwide.

Prof. Dr. Georg von Krogh
Department of Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zurich

external page Christine Antlanger-Winter
Country Director Google Switzerland

Dr. Jürg Brunnschweiler
Chief of Staff to the President, ETH Zurich

Prof. Dr. Louise Harra
Departement of Physics, ETH Zurich

external page Livia Leu
Ambassador, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

Dr. Chris Luebkeman
Head of Foresight, Office of the President,
ETH Zurich

external page Martin Naville
Senior Advisor and former CEO, Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce

external page Mark Schneider
Former CEO of Nestlé

external page Dr. Suzanne Thoma
CEO of the Sulzer Group

Prof. Dr. Kurt Wüthrich
Department of Biology,
ETH Zurich

external page Alois Zwinggi
Managing Director, World Economic Forum
Stab Pr?sident
R?mistrasse 101