The ombudspersons offer advice to members of ETH Zurich who find themselves in difficult situations:
- The ombudspersons are a general contact point for conflicts that cannot be solved by direct communication and for reporting suspected illegal actions.
They are independent and treat all information they receive confidentially. They involve further persons or units only if required by the case and observing confidentiality. While they cannot issue instructions, they may point out solutions and establish contacts.
The ombudspersons are elected by ETH Zurich's Executive Board based on the Ordinance on Organization.

Jonas Nakonz
Personal page

Ulrike Schlachter
Personal page

Prof. em. Annette Spiro
Personal page

Kathrin Teuscher
Personal page
The ombuds office offers advice on the following topics:
- Workplace conflicts and conflicts involving instructors
- Whistle blowing in case of suspected illegal action by members of ETH Zurich
- Other cases of breaches of ETH Zurich's Compliance (except where related to scientific integrity)
The ombudspersons carry out their mandate in accordance with the external page ethical standards of the International Ombudsman Association.
Yearly Reports
Download 2023 Ombudsperson's Yearly Report (PDF, 101 KB) summarises the activities of 2023.
Do you suspect scientific misconduct?
On the following page you can find information on scientific misconduct in general and how you can proceed if you observe or suspect such misconduct.