Selected Essays 2022
A collective journey to the year 2040
During the 2022 spring semester, the Strategic Foresight Hub (SFH) of ETH Zurich invited the ETH community on a journey to the year 2040 for the second time. This year’s 2040 Essay Contest encouraged the ETH community to imagine and describe the everyday life at a hybrid university in 2040.

From the submitted essays, the SFH team preselected four essays for the public voting. Criteria for the selection were the relevance to the posed question, creativity and the readability.
The collective contribution "ETH Today" from LET Educational Media Team + guests has won this year's public voting. The SFH has further selected the Essay "Freedom of Choice" by Linda Grob, Bioinformatics Specialist, NEXUS.
The two contributions were developed further, scanned with the foreisght-lense and published as booklets.
We invite you on this little journey and hope to give you playful insights into how Foresight can be used to inspire, reflect and think creatively.