Social Media- & App-Icons
Social Media Icons
Profile image for official ETH channels

The black-?on-white ETH acronym is reserved for the official ETH channels.
The white acronym on a dark blue background is no longer used.
Profile images for social media channels of organisational units

Central administrative units, as well as academic departments, institutes and centres of excellence, use the combination of the ETH acronym and lettering or an icon. Cropped images are also possible. The white ETH acronym on a coloured background is no longer used.
Examples of social media icons
The use of the ETH acronym on social media is not compulsory, but it does have the benefit of emphasising the connection with ETH Zurich.
The ETH acronym may not be used in any other way than described here. Combinations of logos with the ETH logo are not allowed either.
App icons

The black on white ETH acronym is reserved for the ETH app.

For all other app icons, the ETH acronym is combined with lettering or an icon.
The lettering should use the DIN Next font and must not be bigger than the ETH acronym. The lettering or icon can be in black or in one of the nine Corporate Design colourswarning. Cropped images are also possible. An image extending out to the borders of the icon area can be used in exceptional cases.