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Daniela Hansen

Staff of ETH Diversity

ETH Zürich

Abt. Div. u. Koop.

OCT F 35

Binzmühlestrasse 130

8092  Zürich


Curriculum Vitae

Daniela Hansen studied history, film studies and social and economic history at University of Zurich. In 2023, she did a CAS in coaching at ZHAW.

Since 2017, she is the main project manager of the Fix the Leaky Pipeline programme (FLP) - a career building-programme for female scientists in the ETH Domain. In addition, she is a steering committee member for ETH Zurich in two career-building programmes for female scientists (CONNECT, H.I.T.). In June 2024, she joined the Respect Office. There she is responsible for confidential counselling of students and employees in cases of violation of personal integrity in the workplace (discrimination, harassment, bullying).

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