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Dr. Rafael Ball

Head of ETH-Bibliothek

ETH Zürich


HG J 31.2

R?mistrasse 101

8092  Zürich


Curriculum Vitae

Rafael Ball has been Director of ETH-Bibliothek since 1 March 2015. He holds doctorates in biology and science history and studied biology, Slavonic studies and philosophy at the Universities of Mainz, Warsaw and Moscow. He complete a two-year postgraduate qualification as a scientific librarian in 1996 and was head of user services at the Central Library in the Forschungszentrum Jülich from 1996 to 1998, which he ran from 1998. Ball was Director of the University Library of Regensburg from 2008 to 2015. He has written and edited numerous publications, and is a dedicated speaker and a lecturer at various universities. His main work and research interests are the library of the future, science communication and the role of the printed book in the digital age.

Moreover, he is a member of various institutions, including the German Research Foundation (consultant on the LIS programme, Subcommittee for Information Management), IFLA (IFLA Journal – Editorial Committee, Standing Committee Academic and Research Libraries), IARU International Alliance of Research Universities (Library Group), Scientific Advisory Board at the University and City Library of Cologne, Advisory Board of the Informations- und Kommunikationsring der Finanzdienstleister (IK), and various professional associations.

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