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Christoph Trutmann

Christoph Trutmann

Staff of Diversity and Collaboration

ETH Zürich

Abt. Div. u. Koop.

OCT F 19

Binzmühlestrasse 130

8092  Zürich


Curriculum Vitae

Christoph is a computer science engineer with 20 years of experience in software engineering with a focus on software architecture, agile product development and self-organized teams. He has passed on his knowledge of software architecture for several years in training courses at Bern University of Applied Sciences.

In addition to technology, he has always been interested in people working together to achieve a common goal. To be able to foster this collaboration even in difficult situations, Christoph trained as a mediator and now has more than 10 years of experience in conflict resolution. He has continuously developed this people-centered expertise through numerous training courses and practical experience. In addition to mediation, this includes, for example, facilitating change and transformation processes, team development and coaching.

At ETH, Christoph focuses on supporting people in conflict to transform the conflict in a development-oriented and solution-focused way.

In his free time, Christoph is often out and about with his family in the mountains of his home on foot, on skis or with a paraglider.

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