Social competencies
Competencies applied in the interaction with others
Each competency below provides a general definition and describes learning outcomes regarding knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Explore these competencies
Ability to communicate with others in different contexts and forms

Knowledge Description
- Knowledge of terminology, language register, and foreign language/s to communicate with different target audiences
- Knowledge of various visual aids and multi-media tools
- Knowledge of non-verbal communication for effective communication
Skills Description
- Ability to articulate thoughts and ideas in own and foreign language/s
- Ability to use oral, written, and nonverbal communication effectively and efficiently
- Ability to adjust communication to different contexts
- Ability to identify and use visual aids and multimedia tools for effective communication
Attitudes Description
- Listen actively to others, requesting repetition or further explanations as needed
- Be concise and structured when communicating
Ability to build relationships with others to pursue common goals and achieve results in a constructive atmosphere

Knowledge Description
- Knowledge of group dynamics and processes for empowering effective collaboration and positive team atmosphere
Skills Description
- Ability to build networks and collaborative relationships with others
- Ability to coordinate and co-produce outputs
- Ability to exchange feedback with others constructively
- Ability to empower positive team environment and effective collaboration
Attitude Description
- See potential in working with others
- Be flexible in taking on different roles within a team
- Value honesty and give credit to others for their achievements
- Share responsibility for team results
Ability to approach relationships with others and society in terms of what you have to offer rather than what you need or want

Knowledge Description
- Knowledge of approaches and techniques for identifying the needs of others and society
Skills Description
- Ability to build and maintain positive relationships with others and societ
- Ability to empathise with others to understand others’ need
Attitudes Description
- Believe in the value of helping others by adopting a customer-orientation attitude at work and in society
- Show compassion for others and society and strive to address societal and environmental challenges
Ability to motivate and inspire others and support others’ achievements

Knowledge Description
- Knowledge of different leadership styles and when to apply them
Skills Description
- Ability to guide others in achieving their own or common goals
- Ability to adopt different leadership styles as needed and wisely
- Ability to delegate responsibilities to others
Attitudes Description
- Motivate and inspire others
- Strive for the well-being of others
- Give credit to others for their achievements
- Recognise the importance of leadership and be comfortable with taking the lead
- Act decisively on behalf of others and lead responsibly
Ability to present an authentic and professional image of self to others and motivate others to the adoption of a specific behaviour

Knowledge Description
- Knowledge of professional behaviour
- Knowledge of rules, policies and etiquette of own institution
Skills Description
- Ability to express and promote a genuine and professional image of oneself by sharing own vision, values and interests
- Ability to interpret others’ perceptions of one’s behaviour
- Ability to express own emotions and feelings clearly to generate enthusiasm and motivation in others
Attitudes Description
- Accept vulnerability by being willing to express also own feelings and interests to others
- Have and display a positive attitude through positive language, enthusiasm, and expressions of gratitude
Ability to recognise differences among people and work with them

Knowledge Description
- Awareness of diversity
- Knowledge of the impact and potential of diversity
- Understanding of biases due to diversity and their effects on interpersonal interactions
Skills Description
- Ability to recognise biases
- Ability to work effectively with diverse people and teams
Attitudes Description
- Be open to and respect diversity in all its forms
- Be open and motivated to embrace international or inter-disciplinary experience
Ability to advocate positions with an open mind and try to synthesise ideas from all viewpoints best

Knowledge Description
- Knowledge of negotiation strategies including mediation, compromising, and bargaining
Skills Description
- Ability to compromise, mediate and bargain
- Ability to prevent, manage, and eventually solve conflicts
Attitudes Description
- Keep an open mind when advocating positions, not taking differences of opinions personally
- Be able to put oneself in others’ shoes
- Be rational when evaluating others’ positions and avoid premature evaluations
- Represent and synthesise the best ideas from all viewpoints
Integrating social competencies
Our lives and work are inevitably affected by others or affect others. It is not unusual to explain your work to another student, work on a project with someone with a different background or working style than yours, or even to share the responsibility for a group assignment.
Fostering social competencies can help avoid misunderstandings or conflicts, support to get own ideas heard, or contribute to creating a larger output more effectively, to name a few benefits.

What employers, ETH alumni and employees say
The courage to take responsibility
For me, taking responsibility is one of the roles that you have in society, regardless where you work. As a decision maker, is up to you to make the right choices and not to anybody else. Within each level, try to speak up and question boundaries.
Prof. Dr Susanne Ulbrich, D-USYS
Further readings
- chevron_right La Cara, B., Gemünden, M. & Koch-Kiennast, B. (2023). Fostering social and personal competencies in higher education: The ETH Competence Framework case, ETH Learning and Teaching Journal, 4 (1), 105-118.
- external page call_made Soft Skills Are Essential To The Future Of Work, 2021, FORBES
- external page call_made Graduates, Here’s How to Manage Your Career During This Pandemic, 2020, HBR
- external page call_made From survive to thrive: The future of work in a post-pandemic world, 2021, Deloitte
- external page call_made Developing transferable skills, 2020, Michael Page
- external page call_made How employers and employees are envisioning the reimagined workplace, 2021, EY