For partners
Promotional and information material that can be useful for the partner universities and their students is compiled on this site.

Historic main building (ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Promotional material
The following links are well-suited for promotion purposes.
"Hybrid" flyer for exchange students
There is a PDF to print out and a web version to link to.
- If you offer physical flyers to your students, please use the PDF.
- If you put the information on a website, please link to the web version.
The PDF is a shortened version of the web version and includes a QR code to the complete web version.
Brochures not specifically for exchange students
chevron_right Overview of several brochures (general information, degree programmes, etc.)About ETH
- external page ETH Zurich: Ready? call_made
- external page ETH Zurich: Where the future begins. call_made
- external page Studying at ETH Zurich call_made
- external page Student Project House call_made
- external page 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Zentrum call_made
- external page 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Tour: Zentrum call_made
- external page 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 H?nggerberg call_made
- external page 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Tour: H?nggerberg call_made
- external page How much Einstein is there in ETH Zurich? call_made
Studies (examples)
- external page Energy Science and Technology call_made
- external page Biosystems Science and Engineering call_made
- external page Department of Mathematics call_made
- external page The Arch_Tec_Lab call_made
- external page Science in Perspective (Humanities, Social and Political Science) call_made
- external page Chemistry and Applied Bioscience call_made
- external page Earth Sciences call_made
Videos for incoming students
chevron_right Know your way around ETHInformation
The following links are for informative purposes. They can also be used for promotional purposes, however, some of it might be too detailled for that.
Exchange students may join a wide variety of events specifically set up for them. Below, you will find examples of such events.
Welcome and introduction day
- Official welcome by the Rector of ETH. Important information about student's stay in Switzerland and at ETH. Introduction of ESN (International Exchange Erasmus Student Network) and VSETH (ETH Students Association).
- every semester
Welcome and introduction day (part 2)
- Individual programmes at the departments and / or with the departmental student organisations. Students may receive a separate invitation with more details directly from the specific departments.
- Autumn Semester
International "Zvieri" (get-together)
- Informal get-together (called "Zvieri" in Swiss-German) of fellow students. Getting answers to questions about ETH and Switzerland, chitchatting and networking.
- every semester
Workshop: Understanding the Swiss – going beyond stereotypes
- Typical Swiss values, patterns of communication and culture shock. Reflection of own communication patterns and learning about the differences in values and communication styles between different cultures.
- Autumn Semester
Examinations at ETH & tips and tricks for oral exams
- About the administrative side of exams: registration, deregistration, preponing, distance exams, etc. Keynote speech about oral exams and exam simulations. Presentations by students and coaches on semester organisation, learning methods, etc.
- every semester
Health insurance in Switzerland
- For non-EU and -EFTA international exchange students (who do not have the European Health Insurance card): All about Swiss health insurance and how to apply for one.
- every semester