Assistance during illness, accidents and personal crises

During your career, you may face unforeseen challenges such as health issues, accidents or personal crises. The Case Management Office at ETH Zurich supports you through such challenging life situations, helping to ease your return to work or explore alternative paths.

The Case Management Office provides active and systematic support for affected employees and their supervisors. The goal is to restore and maintain work capacity, as well as facilitate reintegration into professional life.

Help and support for employees

If you are facing a difficult situation due to health issues, an accident or personal challenges, you are not alone. We understand how tough these times can be and offer comprehensive support.

Our aim is to work with you in order to develop solutions that ease your return to work, or to explore alternative paths if immediate reintegration is not possible. We are here to assist you in restoring both your professional and personal stability.

Case Management Process

This step-to-step guide gives you a clear understanding of how the case management process works:

Your superior is the first person you should contact. They will then get in touch with us to discuss the next steps. However, you are also welcome to contact your HR partner or us directly. Most important is that you reach out as soon as you feel you need help.

You may also be contacted by our case management team to arrange a meeting. This will happen at the earliest after 30 days of sick leave.

We will contact you by e-mail and invite you to an initial phone call (via Microsoft Teams or Zoom). In the first conversation with us, we will focus on understanding your current situation.

According to the duty of cooperation, this first conversation is mandatory for all employees.

After the initial interview, we will assess whether case management is the right option for you. If it is, we will assign you an internal case manager. Alternatively, an external case manager from our partner network may be appointed to support you.

The next step is to work together to identify your needs. During a personal assessment meeting, you will discuss your personal circumstances (health, social, professional, private) with your case manager. We will also review your needs, your level of involvement and possible barriers to your return to work. To ensure a thorough understanding of your situation, your case manager will contact your supervisor and, if necessary, your HR partner.

This conversation is confidential and tailored to your individual needs. You decide what information we can share with whom.

Based on the assessment interview, you and your case manager will define goals for your further collaboration and develop a plan tailored to your specific needs. This may include a variety of measures, such as personal counselling, referral to health services, support in adapting your workplace, obtaining important medical information or arranging an initial ‘roundtable discussion’ to review the situation in detail with all relevant parties and services. Regular meetings with your case manager will also be scheduled to ensure you receive the support you need and can make positive progress.

Our aim is to provide you with the best possible support so that you can concentrate on what is most important: your health.

We will provide continuous support, adjusting the plan of action as needed and remain by you as a reliable partner until a sustainable solution is achieved.

To ensure the success of your return to work or any necessary professional adjustments, your supervisor and HR partner will be involved by this stage at the latest. We will also assist you in preparing for any challenging discussions, should they arise.

If essential treatments or measures have not yet been put in place, we will help you register for them. Your case manager will act as a liaison between you and the social insurance providers involved (SUVA, IV) for administrative matters and will include them in discussions. If necessary, and with your consent, your case manager may also contact your doctors or therapists.

Once you have successfully reintegrated, or by the end of the legal period for continued salary payments at the latest, your work with your case manager will come to an end. In a final meeting, we will evaluate the outcome based on the goals that were set. If necessary, your HR partner and supervisor may also attend this meeting. We will be happy to provide you with contact details and advice for further counselling services outside of ETH Zurich.

Support for supervisors

Supervisors play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of their employees. Your role in the case management process is crucial. As a supervisor, you are often the first point of contact for your employees and can play a key part in offering early support. Please take immediate action if one of your team members is frequently absent, performing below their usual level, or experiencing health issues.

Procedure and responsibilities

ETH Zurich's Case Management provides essential support to help identify health issues or personal crises among your team members at an early stage and to respond to them professionally. The focus is on promoting the health and work capacity of your employees while fostering a positive and supportive work environment.

As a supervisor, you should remain vigilant for signs of health problems or personal difficulties in your employees. These signs may include frequent absences, reduced performance, unusual behaviour, or direct comments about stress. By identifying these signs early, you can act promptly and provide the necessary support.

Supporting affected employees requires empathy and sensitivity. Hold a confidential conversation where you share your observations and offer support. Listen actively and demonstrate understanding of the employee’s situation. The Leadership in Practice toolkit provides valuable resources to help you conduct these conversations effectively and choose the right words.

As soon as you recognise that an employee requires support, you should involve the case management team. It is crucial to take this step early to ensure the best possible assistance. You should also act if longer absences are anticipated, such as those lasting more than a month, or if there are repeated short absences.

Please contact your HR partner or reach out to us directly. We will then discuss the next steps together.

Your role does not end once the case management team is involved. You should continue to support your employees throughout the entire process by regularly checking in on their well-being and ensuring they are receiving the necessary support. Maintain close communication with the case management team to ensure everything runs smoothly.

ETH Zurich offers a range of resources to help you develop your skills in dealing with employees who have health restrictions or conditions:

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact your HR partner or us at any time. We are here to support you.

About the Case Management Office

The Case Management Office provides a structured support programme that offers targeted assistance to employees facing difficult life situations, health restrictions, or recovering from an accident. Supervisors are informed about issues related to long-term absences and are supported in managing affected team members.

As a service of the Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership (VPPL), Case Management works closely with HR Consulting to ensure the optimal use of all relevant resources and services, promoting successful reintegration into the workplace. It also serves as a liaison between internal and external stakeholders.

Case management is subject to confidentiality. Employees' confidential information will not be passed on to third parties without their consent.

These are the legal bases of our work:


Please contact us for an initial conversation. We are here to support you. All conversations with us are confidential.

Case Management Office

ETH Zürich
Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership (VPPL)
Binzmühlestrasse 130
8092 Zürich


Reto Hiestand
Head of Case Management

044 633 64 16

Nicole Schindler-Zürcher
Case Manager

044 632 56 25

Tanja Stürzinger
Case Manager

044 632 24 08

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