Leadership in Practice

In a nutshell: What is Leadership in Practice?
Imagine you have a vacancy to fill in your team. What is your first thought: the extra work involved in filling the vacancy? Or do you see the situation as an opportunity to reorganise and develop the team?
Your daily work is characterised by complexity. Leadership doesn't have to be complex. The Leadership in Practice toolkit gives you an excellent guide for turning leadership challenges into opportunities for you and your team.
During the employment relationship key situations arise that are referred to as "Leadership in Practice" situations. These shape the interaction between supervisors, employees and the entire team.
The Leadership in Practice toolkit highlights opportunities, makes it clear what's required in each situation and who is responsible for what, where to find related materials and resources, and how best to adapt to them. Through self-reflection, you can better assess how your social and leadership competencies affect team dynamics. The toolkit not only promotes an understanding of your own influence, but also supports your personal development.
The Leadership in Practice toolkit is available here on the Staffnet and also in the Lifelong Learning Hub.
Leadership situations
Performance and development

- chevron_right Dialog (new appraisal form)
- chevron_right Development interview
- chevron_right Accident/Illness
- chevron_right End of contract period (scientific staff)
- chevron_right End of contract period (administrative and technical staff)
- chevron_right Career interview with established researchers in 4th year of employment
- chevron_right Change of function
- chevron_right Expiring project funding
- chevron_right Aptitude colloquium
- chevron_right Performance issues
- chevron_right Sabbatical (Professors)