
In a nutshell: What's it all about?
In 2024, ETH Zurich will be implementing a new appraisal interview format called Dialog for all employees. The idea is to foster ongoing discussion and mutual feedback exchange between employees and supervisors. Dialog focuses on the recognition of past performance, future cooperation and mutual support. On the one hand, the Dialog interview reflects on objectives, performance and behaviour, and on the other, compares expectations and needs in order to adapt them to operational requirements. In the new Dialog, the previous appraisal letter is no longer used and the discussion about personal development is geared towards the ETH social and leadership competencies.
The Dialog process offers you as a manager and your employees the opportunity to take stock: Where do they stand in terms of target achievement, performance and behaviour? Use the space for mutual feedback, recognition and appreciation, as well as constructive suggestions. Also look to the future: What development needs exist, what opportunities are there? As an important management tool, Dialog allows you to define future collaboration with your team member, improve it where necessary and deepen trust.
- Invite your team member to an interview at an early stage - preferably in person - and create an atmosphere in which your counterpart feels comfortable and secure.
- Show your employee that you recognise and appreciate their performance to date.
- Set out clearly the extent to which tasks, objectives and projects have been completed and always make sure to ask the employee how they see things.
- Ask for their honest feedback on working with you.
- Discuss their future career path and define concrete development steps.
- During the dialogue, strengthen the mutual trust that you also build up through regular discussions over the course of the year.
Self-reflection: Am I applying my social and leadership competencies effectively?
Enabling people:

- How have I supported and encouraged employees in their further development?
- Do all employees know what is expected of them in terms of tasks, objectives and personal development?
- Has my team member recognised their own potential through a constructive, open discussion?
- What positive changes have I observed since the discussion?
Acting responsibly:

- Have I discussed individual responsibility with my team member?
- If you have received feedback from the employee survey for your area of responsibility: What measures have I implemented with respect to the appraisal interview?
- Have I asked the employee to set out their own views and impressions, and have I been an empathetic listener?
Nurturing well-being:
- To what extent have I supported a culture of mutual understanding and trust?
- How have I encouraged my team member to actively take part in the discussion to ensure they gain the maximum possible benefit from it?
- Are my employees motivated by development measures and keen to perform?
In short: 5 steps to success

Manager: prepares, plans, implements and documents the Dialog interview using the Dialog form; inclusion of feedback from important stakeholders where required (colleagues, clients, etc.)
Employee: preparation, with the help of the Dialog form, and active involvement
HR: supports both parties as required, especially in cases where employee performance and/or behaviour is not satisfactory; offers support with development topics