Probation period interview

In a nutshell: What's it all about?
The purpose of the probation period interview is to look back, compare expectations and decide whether the contract should be continued.
If necessary, job descriptions are defined, annual objectives formalised and development areas defined.
A review of the probation period can provide you as a manager with important new professional and cultural insights. Can onboarding be improved? Does your new team member have any suggestions for technical or administrative optimisation? You also create the basis for a solid and trusting working relationship if the employment arrangement is continued - something you decide together.
- Invite your team member to an interview at an early stage - preferably in person - and create an atmosphere in which your counterpart feels comfortable and secure.
- Ask your new team member for an honest assessment of how they have fared in their first few months.
- Describe your impressions honestly - that way you both know where you stand and lay the foundation for mutual trust and security.
- Gather your thoughts on the continuation of the contract: Is the person in the right place and filling the role successfully?
Self-reflection: Am I applying my social and leadership competencies effectively?
In short: 5 steps to success

Manager: conducts a review and decides on further collaboration
Employee: reviews the situation and decides on further collaboration
HR: prepares the probation period report and files it in the e-dossier, advises both parties depending on the situation – even if the employment relationship is discontinued