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Suchergebnis für Prof. Dr. Stefano Brusoni

Prof. Dr.  Stefano Brusoni

Prof. Dr. Stefano Brusoni

Prorektor Weiterbildung

ETH Zürich

Professur Technol.&Innovationsmgmt

WEV J 413

Weinbergstr. 56/58

8092  Zürich


Weitere Informationen



Stefano is member of the Academy of Management (AOM) and Strategic Management Society. He was elected in leadership roles in both. He was Program Chair for the Behavioral Strategy IG (SMS). He was Chair (2015-2020) for the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the AOM and member of the Executive Board of the Strategy Division (STR) in 2013-2015.

Honors and Awards

Stefano has won several awards for his research and service to the academic communities, including the Organization Science recognition for oustanding service (2012, 2015, 2017, 2018). 


Herbstsemester 2024

Nummer Veranstaltung
363-0389-00L Technology and Innovation Management
363-1028-00L Entrepreneurial Leadership
364-1058-00L Risk Center Seminar Series
364-1110-00L Foundations of Innovation Studies
367-0020-00L Business Model Innovation for Social Impact
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