Have your say in shaping ETH’s values
The ETH discussion on values has been launched – and the new rETHink blog gives all ETH members a voice. Take part in the discussion, and make a contribution to shaping the future of our university.

We all influence the culture at ETH – and it affects us all. So it was no surprise to see so many ETH members express an interest in participating in the rETHink workstream on “Culture Development”. Initial discussions have been held in recent months on the values that should form the basis for collaboration and co-existence at ETH.
Before rolling out a structured discussion on these values throughout ETH as a whole, those responsible for the Culture Development workstream would like to give all ETH members the opportunity to reflect and share their thoughts. And, as announced, the rETHink blog is being launched with this aim in mind.
Your opinion counts
The starting point for the discussion is based on five future-oriented values defined by the Strategy Commission for the Strategy and Development Plan 2021-24: responsibility, openness, diversity, team spirit and excellence.
Are these values already applied at ETH? How do they present themselves in daily working life? Or are some not yet in evidence at all? Are other values essential to good collaboration?
The rETHink blog enables you to provide feedback in your own way. Share your thoughts with the ETH community and express your opinion – strongly, if you like. The aim is to bring together views from a range of very different perspectives.
Published on Internal news
The blog articles will be published on “Internal news”, and will be available on the student portal, and commenting will also be possible. You can illustrate your contribution with images or videos. There are very few requirements in terms of format, with the exception of a maximum length of about 3,000 characters. And naturally, netiquette must be respected.
Those responsible for the Culture Development workstream will collate the arguments and assessments, and integrate them in further discussions among professors, departments, administrative departments and committees, and in mixed groups. This approach will enable you to play an active role in shaping the cultural development of ETH through your blog article.
Further information
Find out how to submit your blog input here.
Related articles
rETHinking our culture and values (Internal news, 09.09.2020)
Starting point – the five values
Our behaviour is dictated by integrity, mutual respect and consideration of people and the environment. We handle the major challenges of our time with a culture of critical thinking and a constant search for sustainable solutions.
We are open to new ideas, talent and partnerships, with an emphasis on transparency both internally and externally. Active participation is an essential feature of the decision-making process, and helps to establish a sense of identity. Students, researchers and employees have equal rights in this regard.
Our success is based on a broad spectrum of talented individuals who develop and implement courageous, creative ideas. We see diversity in all aspects as an opportunity. Our global orientation and intensive exchange with society and across subject areas contribute significantly to the development of new research questions and teaching.
Team spirit
We resolve complex issues in complementary teams with a multidisciplinary and cross-functional approach. We are committed to ETH and maintain a culture of cooperation, mutual appreciation and learning from one another.
We strive to achieve excellence in all our activities. Our members – students, researchers and employees – shape our university and society through the quality of their contributions.