Celebrating Diversity with the 2022 ETH Diversity Award
For the second time, AVETH is presenting the Diversity Award. It will honor an ETH scientific staff member who has contributed significantly to the advocation for diversity and inclusion at ETH Zurich. ETH members can now submit their nominees.
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The main values of ETH include responsibility, openness, diversity, team spirit, and excellence. Across the ETH domain, students, staff, and faculty are working in many ways to promote diversity and inclusion. You may be surprised how much is happening to promote diversity across ETH from the grass-roots to administrative levels (e.g. Respect Month activities). The 2022 ETH Diversity award was established to celebrate the service of our community members for their work to promote inclusion and diversity.
Do you know somebody, multiple people, or an organization that has significantly contributed to the advocation for diversity at ETH and beyond? Has somebody or an organization you know created new resources, policies, community, or events that promote inclusion and social justice? Please external page nominate them for the 2022 ETH Diversity Award. Your nomination lets them know how thankful we are for their service. The winner(s) will each win a 500 CHF prize with the goal of amplifying ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.
Last year, the external page African Students Association of Zürich (ASAZ) won 1st place for their incredible representation and promotion of the interests of African students in higher education institutions across Zürich. The 1st place individual winner was Dr. Chiara Decaroli, at the time a PhD student, who worked hard to promote gender inclusion through an impressive list of efforts, including getting bins installed in mixed gender toilets to founding the H?nggerberg Ladies Lunches.
This year, we will celebrate the winner(s) on June 8th from 17-18:00. The ceremony will kick off with a key-note address by the co-founder of the external page 500 Women Scientists Bubble in Fribourg-Bern, external page Dr. Claudia Kasper. We will then explore the range of diversity activities across ETH from last year until now, and award the winners of the 2022 ETH Diversity Award. Stay up-to date with the ceremony as we move closer towards June 8th.
This award was co-founded by AVETH and ETH Diversity and is co-sponsored by VPPL. AVETH stands for Akademische Vereinigung des Mittelbaus der ETH which translates to academic association for the scientific staff at ETH. It represents the scientific staff at ETH Zurich.
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