Follow-up solutions for print services available from December
The public tender for the takeover of ETH internal printing services by external print shops was successful. From December, ETH members will be able to order directly via the external web shops of the new partner print shops.
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All relevant information on the follow-up solutions can now be found on the new partner print shops website (formerly FuturePrint@ETH). The webshops of the new partner print shops will be available there from December.
In future, the partner print shops will invoice ETH customers directly. 365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Services will ensure that the switch to the external partners runs smoothly. Orders can still be placed via the previous Print and Publish web shop until 6 December 2024, 12 noon.
Standard range printing
From December, you can order basic printed materials such as brochures, posters and flyers, as well as printed products from the ETH-specific product ranges ‘Event Material’ and ‘365体育直播_365体育投注-竞猜网投 Channels’ directly via the specially configured web shops of the new partner printers Copytrend AG Zurich, Funke Lettershop AG and Truninger-Plot24 AG.
Prices and delivery conditions for the available printed matter vary between the three partner print shops listed. Please compare the respective offers online yourself from December onwards.
Printing of diploma and certificates
Copytrend AG Zurich has been supporting Academic Services as a partner printer for the production of diplomas and certificates since October. The corresponding products have already been removed from the Print and Publish webshop.
Printing of examination documents
With Witschi & Ritz Crossmedia AG, ETH Zurich will have a reliable partner printing company for the production of examination documents from December.
The production and dispatch of bulk mailings (lettershop) will now be handled directly by Funke Lettershop AG. Several onboarding appointments for existing customers have already taken place.
Plot on demand
Sign & Print GmbH will take over the operation of the plot on demand stations in the HG (D 47), HIL (C 56.3) and ONA (E 38) buildings from December. The stations in the ETZ (J 66), HIL (C 42.3) and HCI (G 6) buildings will no longer be operated. The takeover by Sign & Print will optimise the ordering process and improve station maintenance.
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