ETH Zurich is pleased to announce its engagement as Black Diamond Academic partner with the WORLDWEBFORUM on 18/19 January 2018.

Thursday, 18 January 2018
Building Tomorrow, Today.

Fireside Chat
Lino Guzzella, President of ETH Zurich
externe Seite Susan Kish, Fellow, Connection Science & Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Transformers Workshop Powered by ETH Zurich

A workshop for invited CEOs about strategic leadership in times of radical transformation. The discussion will be conducted by globally recognized academics and thought leaders.
- Georg von Krogh, ETH Zurich
- Gerd Folkers, ETH Zurich
- externe Seite David J. Teece, UC Berkeley
- externe Seite Charles A. O’Reilly, Stanford University
- externe Seite Carissa Carter, Stanford University
- externe Seite Jerome S. Engel, UC Berkeley
Friday, 19 January 2018
Vertical Session "Responsive City"

Responsive Cities allow the direct engagement of citizens in the planning and management of their present and future environment, enabled by the advancement of good governance and progress in information and communication technology. Dynamic planning and citizen integration differentiate the Responsive City from the Smart City: cities become first smart and then responsive. The ICT industry developed the Smart Cities concept as an opportunity to contribute to the improvement of city safety and management. Data for the Responsive City come from smart buildings, smart infrastructure and other smart environments. Those are human made structures that are monitored, metered, networked and controlled in areas of interest to the owners, builders and managers.
- Stephen Cairns, Singapore ETH Center
- Christoph H?lscher, ETH Zurich
- Ulf Blanke, ETH Zurich and antavi
- externe Seite Chris Luebkeman, Arup
- externe Seite Alastair MacLeod, Teralytics
- externe Seite Markus Wissmann, CISCO
AR Is More Than Just Games

The biggest advantage of Augmented Reality is the bridge that is gapped between the digital and real worlds. This opens completely new opportunities for applications for digital transformation but many of them are still beyond our imagination. It is not a question of whether these platforms will become relevant, just when.
- externe Seite Bob Sumner, Associate Director of Disney Research Zurich, Founder of the ETH Zurich Game Technology Center
- externe Seite Martin Splitt, Code on Archilogic, Zurich
- externe Seite Michael Zawrel, Senior Product Manager Mixed Reality & HoloLens at Microsoft