ETH Meets You in Davos

21. - 24. Januar 2020: Die ETH Zürich ist mit RETHINK Creativity w?hrend des j?hrlichen Treffens des World Economic Forum in Davos anwesend.
ETH Global Lecture Series: Walking on Mars

ETH Zurich, 16 January 2020 – Worldwebforum on tour: Hear Victor Luo speak about the visions of VR and AR in space exploration.
Synthetic Biology: Digital Design of Living Systems

Recent advances in synthetic biology allow for the digital design of living systems at an unprecedented scale and rate. ETH Zurich hosts this symposium at the AAAS 2020 in Seattle, Washington, USA to address the benefits, social and ethical implications of computational biosystems design technologies.
ETH Meets You at the AAAS 2020 in Seattle

ETH Zurich hosts a symposium at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Annual Meeting (AAAS 2020) on Synthetic Biology: Digital Design of Living Systems. ETH professors also contribute to sessions on?deforestation / afforestation monitoring and biodiverse soil ecosystems.