Young researchers
This website is dedicated to supporting young researchers in their academic and professional development, helping them navigate our institution, and effectively structuring their time. The information is primarily for postdocs. For questions concerning doctoral studies at ETH Zurich, please visit the doctoral studies portal. More information on funding opportunities for doctoral students can be found on the Funding for doctoral students page.

ETH's online Welcome Center is your entry point for all those everyday questions that matter most when you are new to ETH Zurich, be it accommodation, contracts and salaries, life in Switzerland, or family benefits.

The Academic Association of Scientific Staff at ETH Zurich (AVETH) represents ETH's scientific staff politically, organises networking and social events, and offers various services such as counselling.
The Practical Guide for Postdocs provides essential information on rules, resources and best practices for postdocs. It is designed to help both postdocs and their supervisors navigate the employment standards, rights, and responsibilities at ETH Zurich.
By reading this guide, you will gain valuable insights to make the most of your postdoctoral experience and ensure a successful and fulfilling time at ETH Zurich.
ETH Zurich places great value on the early independence of postdocs. On the Grants Office website, you can find an overview of the most important career and project funding instruments for young researchers, including those specific to ETH Zurich.
A postdoctoral stay is about research. But what will happen later? Here are some general hints.

If you are pursuing a career in research, one of your primary goals will be independence. At ETH Zurich, the Grants Office can give you advice on how to acquire funding of your own. A variety of supporting infrastructures is at your disposal, e.g. the technology platforms, the ETH Library (including data management and digital curation), or the Scientific IT Services.

If you rather see your future in industry or other sectors outside of academia, reach out early and consider making use of offers for Entrepreneurship, the Career Center, or courses by HR and external page Business Tools on project management, communication, or leadership. Many departments and disciplines have their own industry networking events, e.g. the external page Zurich Life Science Day.
Some general hints on career planning - whether in science or elsewhere - can be found at the HR page My Future.
Information events for postdocs
Explore the website Events for postdocs, stay informed and take advantage of the opportunities to enhance your professional growth and network with peers and experts in your field.
Further Links
- external page call_made Interactive platform of the ETH Career Center
- external page call_made Science Careers
- chevron_right Research prizes at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right General support at ETH Zurich by career stage
- external page call_made Foster. Lead. Promote. (for female junior researchers)
- external page call_made EURAXESS Switzerland
The Grants Office is responsible for this web environment and may also help you with further questions.